
Theatrical is an independent not-for-profit theatre company. We produce community theatre with heart by creating opportunities for non-professional actors, singers, dancers, set builders, stage crew, costumers, make up artists and technicians to participate in making high quality community made musical theatre in inner city Melbourne.

Theatrical works hard to create an approachable & fun community-made theatre experience – both for the community members who get involved in our productions and the audiences who come to see our shows.


It is really important to us that we remain creatively free to continue making great quality and inclusive community theatre. We are asking our community to support us financially with a subscription-style payment model to help fill the gap between the price of a ticket and the cost of bring a story to life on our stage.

We believe that this will help us keep making fun, creative musical theatre and keep you, our community, more connected with what we are creating.


To enable Theatrical to continue to produce the very best independent, community made musical theatre we need the continued support of the business community through sponsorship. We pride ourselves in working closely with our sponsors to customise a partnership that perfectly reflects each unique relationship. For more information on how your business can partner with Theatrical please email or phone 0448 122 777.


Theatrical relies on the goodwill of our volunteers who dedicate their time both on and off stage.

As well as our performers there are loads of behind the scenes volunteers who help out as stage crew, creating costumes, building sets and with online content.

If you would like to volunteer behind the scenes, fill out our Theatrical Volunteer Application form and then we will see how we can match your skills, interests and availability with volunteer opportunities that come up.

If you are interested in becoming an on stage volunteer you can keep an eye on our auditions page here.

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